Acupuncture is an integrative modality that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. In the context of fertility, acupuncture can increase blood flow, regulate hormones, and reduce stress. It can also reduce pain, inflammation, and help treat many different symptoms.

Yes, when performed by a trained and qualified acupuncturist, acupuncture is safe for birth those trying to conceive and even throughout pregnancy. We always use sterile, disposable needles and follow clean needle technique.

Most of our patients say that acupuncture is painless and they find the treatment itself relaxing. Occasionally, you may feel a mild pinch as the needle is inserted, but any feeling during the treatment should be comfortable. We encourage our patients to speak up if anything is bothering them and do our best to ensure a comfortable experience.

Most of the points we use for fertility are below the elbows and knees, on the back, and right around the belly button.

Acupuncture can increase blood flow, regulate hormones, and reduce stress. It can be used alongside other fertility treatments like IUI or IVF and has been shown to reduce medication side effects, optimize the cycle, and help support pregnancy rates.

The number of sessions needed varies depending on the individual and the condition being treated. We typically recommend a series of treatments depending on your diagnosis and type of fertility cycle. A treatment plan will be discussed at your initial visit to come up with a plan that works for you and your cycle.

Our new patient visit lasts about 60-90 minutes and includes a consultation and acupuncture treatment.

Follow ups last between 45-60 minutes.

We always tell our patients to come as they are! If you ever need to undress to access specific points, you will be draped under a sheet much like a massage. If you are able, it can be nice to wear loose, comfortable clothing. It's also a good idea to have a light meal or snack before your session.

Yes, acupuncture can be used alongside any other type of fertility treatment.

Coverage varies by insurance provider and policy. Some insurance plans cover acupuncture treatments, while others may not. It's recommended to check with your insurance provider for specific details.

While we do not bill insurance at this office, we are happy to provide you with superbills to submit to your insurance.

Acupuncture is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects. Some people may experience slight bruising or soreness at the needle insertion sites.

Yes, we recommend acupuncture within 24 hours before and after embryo transfer and, many times, can see patients right before and after the transfer. We are willing to stay late and come in on weekends as our providers have availability in order to accommodate embryo transfers.

While we often make recommendations specific for each patient based on their history, diagnosis, and cycle type, we do have some general guidelines that work for most situations:
When to start acupuncture for IVF.

Treatment Protocols: We work to optimize the timing of each treatment to give the greatest benefit throughout your cycle. We use these protocols as a guideline to develop treatment plans for our patients.

IVF Retrieval Cycle
Frozen Embryo Transfer
Embryo Adoption or Egg Donor Transfer
Natural IVF
Embryo Transfer Acupuncture
Medicated Cycles
Trying to Conceive Naturally

Yes, we do work with families traveling from out of town for transfer. We encourage families to call us as soon as they know their transfer date. That way, we can put you on our transfer calendar. From there, we’ll schedule your acupuncture appointments once you get your transfer time from your fertility clinic.

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