
Safe and effective support for your pregnancy

Acupuncture administered during pregnancy provides a safe and effective approach to alleviate various common symptoms, including:

  • Morning sickness: mitigating nausea and/or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling and varicose veins
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Back pain or other discomforts (round ligament pain, pelvic pain, etc.)
  • Supporting optimal fetal positioning prior to birth
  • Stress relief
  • Heartburn relief
  • Support the overall health of the pregnancy

Pre Birth Acupuncture:

Preparing for Birth: Our Pre-Birth Acupuncture comprises a series of 4-5 weekly sessions, beginning at week 36 of your pregnancy. These sessions are thoughtfully designed to support your body in entering labor naturally and ensuring a smooth and uncomplicated progression once it commences. Importantly, it is not a labor induction technique and does not trigger labor.
Pre-birth acupuncture has been shown to:

  • Decrease the duration of the first stage of labor (from 3 cm dilation to full dilation) by an average of 2 hours.
  • Lower the induction rates in first-time moms by 43% and 35% in others.
  • Reduce the use of epidurals by 31%.
  • Decrease the rate of emergency C-sections by 32%.
  • Enhance vaginal birth rates by 9%.

Postpartum Acupuncture

Our postpartum acupuncture focuses on revitalizing your body, fostering healing, and addressing specific concerns like breastfeeding challenges, digestion issues, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression.

Our suggested postpartum wellness protocol entails 3 weekly visits, beginning at 2-3 weeks postpartum, with further sessions as needed beyond that initial period.

Fertility Acupuncture

Our approach integrates the ancient wisdom of acupuncture and herbal medicine with modern science to create a supportive environment for your fertility journey. Whether you're pursuing natural conception or undergoing assisted reproductive treatments like IVF, IUI, or any other method, we are here to support your journey.

Fertility at The Tennessee Center for Reproductive Acupuncture is more than a service; it's our unwavering passion.

Embarking on the path to parenthood is a uniquely personal journey, and we understand what is involved. Our dedicated team uses evidence based treatments, including acupuncture and herbal medicine, to regulate menstrual cycles, improve blood flow, alleviate stress, and provide holistic support throughout your fertility experience.

Diminished Ovarian Reserve

Premature Ovarian Failure

Advanced Maternal Age

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Poor responders to medication/ART


Irregular Menstrual Cycles


Luteal Phase Defect / Low Progesterone Levels

Recurrent Miscarriages

Poor Egg Quality

Thin Uterine / Endometrial Lining

Unexplained Fertility

High or Elevated FSH

Male Factor Infertility

How We Support You:

  • Cycle Regulation: Our treatments are designed to regulate your menstrual cycles, fostering an environment conducive to conception.
  • Stress Reduction: Infertility can be profoundly stressful. Our acupuncture treatments are crafted to reduce stress levels, creating a calm and supportive atmosphere.
  • Comprehensive Support: Whether you're pursuing natural conception or undergoing assisted reproductive technologies like IVF or IUI, our customized protocols complement your unique fertility journey.
  • Experience with Diverse Diagnoses: We have successfully worked with patients navigating a spectrum of diagnoses, ensuring tailored and effective support for a variety of fertility challenges.
At The Tennessee Center for Reproductive Acupuncture, your journey to parenthood is met with expertise, compassion, and a commitment to fostering your reproductive well-being. Together, let's navigate the path to parenthood with confidence and care.

How We Can Help:

Using acupuncture, we aim to harmonize and support the health of the entire reproductive system. Research and experience have demonstrated the following positive impacts:
Improved Blood Flow
Enhancing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, creating an optimal environment for conception.
Ovarian Function and Egg Quality
Supporting ovarian function and contributing to improved egg quality.
Enhanced Pregnancy and Live Birth Rates
Studies indicate increased rates of successful pregnancies and live births with the integration of acupuncture.
Endometrial Lining Quality
Augmenting the thickness and quality of the endometrial lining, a crucial factor for successful implantation.
Menstrual Cycle Regulation
Regulating the menstrual cycle, promoting regular, ovulatory cycles.
Immune System Support
Balancing and regulating the immune system to support overall reproductive health.
Healthy Embryo Implantation
Facilitating a conducive environment for healthy embryo implantation.
Luteal Phase Support
Supporting a healthy luteal phase, a critical stagein the menstrual cycle
Reduced Miscarriage Risk
Studies suggest a reduction in the chances of miscarriage with acupuncture.
Hormonal Regulation
Contributing to hormonal balance, crucial for fertility.
Stress and Anxiety Reduction
Alleviating stress and anxiety to help make the journey a little bit easier.
At our center, we are committed to providing comprehensive and integrative care to enhance the female fertility journey. From cycle regulation to stress reduction, our holistic approach is tailored to support every aspect of your reproductive well-being.

Integrating Acupuncture Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):

Combining acupuncture with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) combines two powerful treatments enhancing the effectiveness of your cycle. Beyond the broader benefits mentioned earlier, acupuncture brings specific advantages to ART, contributing to improved outcomes:
Enhanced Follicle Quality and Quantity
Acupuncture has been associated with an increase in the quality and quantity of healthy follicles, optimizing the chances of successful fertilization.
Reduced Treatment Side Effects
Alleviating the side effects often associated with ART medications, creating a more comfortable and balanced experience throughout the treatment process.
Minimized Uterine Contractions
Post-embryo transfer, acupuncture has shown promise in reducing uterine contractions, fostering a conducive environment for successful implantation.
Improved Sperm Quality
Acupuncture's benefits extend to male partners as well, contributing to the improvement of sperm quality and, subsequently, enhancing overall fertility.
Improved Pregnancy and Live Birth Rates
Research shows that acupuncture combined with ART can improve both pregnancy and live birth rates.
Treatment Protocols
We work to optimize the timing of each treatment to give the greatest benefit throughout your cycle. We use these protocols as a guideline to develop treatment plans for our patients.

Male Fertility Support

Our postpartum acupuncture focuses on revitalizing your body, fostering healing, and addressing specific concerns like breastfeeding challenges, digestion issues, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression.

Our suggested postpartum wellness  protocol entails 3 weekly visits, beginning at 2-3 weeks postpartum, with further sessions as needed beyond that initial period.

For Fertility & Pregnancy Tips and Clinic Specials Sign Up Here!

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